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K8s List security context settings for all running pods/containers

When trying to security harden (or pentest) a Kubernetes cluster, it is quite useful to be able to extract all security context settings without needing third party tools. Here’s an example using vanilla kubectl and go-templates:

kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE -o go-template --template='
{{range .items}}

    {{"POD NAME: "}}{{}}    

    {{if .spec.securityContext}}
        Pod Security Context:
        - {{"runAsGroup: "}}{{.spec.securityContext.runAsGroup}}                               
        - {{"runAsNonRoot: "}}{{.spec.securityContext.runAsNonRoot}}                           
        - {{"runAsUser: "}}{{.spec.securityContext.runAsUser}}
        {{if .spec.securityContext.seLinuxOptions}}
        - {{"seLinuxOptions: "}}{{.spec.securityContext.seLinuxOptions}}
        - seLinuxOptions is not set
        !Pod Security Context is not set

    {{range .spec.containers}}
        {{"CONTAINER NAME: "}}{{.name}}
        {{"IMAGE: "}}{{.image}}

        {{if .securityContext}}                                      
            - {{"allowPrivilegeEscalation: "}}{{.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation}}

            {{if .securityContext.capabilities}}
            - {{"capabilities: "}}{{.securityContext.capabilities}}
            - "capabilities is not set

            - {{"privileged: "}}{{.securityContext.privileged}}

            {{if .securityContext.procMount}}
            - {{"procMount: "}}{{.securityContext.procMount}}
            - procMount in not set

            - {{"readOnlyRootFilesystem: "}}{{.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem}}       
            - {{"runAsGroup: "}}{{.securityContext.runAsGroup}}                               
            - {{"runAsNonRoot: "}}{{.securityContext.runAsNonRoot}}                           
            - {{"runAsUser: "}}{{.securityContext.runAsUser}}

            {{if .securityContext.seLinuxOptions}}
            - {{"seLinuxOptions: "}}{{.securityContext.seLinuxOptions}}
            - seLinuxOptions is not set 

            {{if .securityContext.windowsOptions}}
            - {{"windowsOptions: "}}{{.securityContext.windowsOptions}}
            - windowsOptions is not set
            !SecurityContext is not set!
{{end}}' | grep '\S'

Please note that container SecurityContexts overwrite PodSecurityContexts. For more information consult the official documentation.

